What is Meaningful Work to You?
I Wrote a Book — Background
I have been fortunate to “hang around” younger people in my work, my friendships, and most importantly, as inspiration. I believe that the young have much to teach us oldsters. After talking to my young friends and thinking about my own work journey, I decided to write about meaningful work for millennials and Gen Z. In conversation with these younger people, I learned they were not only frustrated and accumulating debt, but they didn’t have a lot of support for how to do it differently than their parents. To be able to find work that fed them.
My own work journey wasn’t like my peers. I was determined to spend my precious time and energy learning. I had to earn a living, but I didn’t have to do work I hated or work in place where I wasn’t respected. And there were lots of both.
I wanted to write something practical and easy to digest. A book where the reader could glance at the table of contents and start reading which ever chapter interested them. A book with stories of real people who have found their way.
Fast Forward
I started writing and hired an editor (my coach!) who helped me craft a book out of my ideas. I continued to ask people about their work; past, present, and future. I asked them about their educational experiences and their life hopes and dreams. I kept writing and listening to my coach who told me to keep going.
The Result
With 7 case studies (from peers who share their meaningful work journey), “You Work It” exercises for each chapter and written in gender neutral language, I hope this book will be useful to starting a discussion about what meaningful work is for each of us. Sharing what we have learned, what has worked for us and feeling supported and fortified for the journey ahead is the goal. I’m looking forward to getting started.